PHP/MySQL Certification Course

Duration: 4 Months

Excel in PHP MySQL with Top Training Centre in Nagpur

Are you passionate about web development and eager to master the dynamic duo of PHP and MySQL? Your search ends here! Steps Technology presents the finest Php MySQL classes in Nagpur, crafted to empower you with vital skills for building robust and scalable web applications.

What is PHP?

PHP, a server-side scripting language, seamlessly embedded within HTML code, empowers you to create dynamic web pages and efficiently process forms. With its vast community, extensive documentation, and various frameworks, PHP is the preferred choice for developing web applications of all complexities.

What is MySQL?

MySQL, an open-source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) , is celebrated for its speed, reliability, and scalability. Widely adopted across applications, from small websites to large enterprise systems, MySQL efficiently stores, manages, and retrieves structured data. Dive into our program to gain hands-on experience with MySQL, harnessing its robust features and leveraging extensive support within the web development community.

What is Laravel MVC?

Laravel, a PHP web development framework, follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. The Model handles data logic and database interactions, the View manages the presentation layer, and the Controller orchestrates application logic and user interactions. Explore the intricacies of Laravel with our expert instructors, enhancing your ability to organize code efficiently and develop modern web applications with ease. Elevate your skills with our exclusive Laravel Certification Course in Nagpur.

Why Choose Steps Technology for PHPMySQL Training?

Cutting-Edge Curriculum: Stay ahead with the latest features and functionalities in PHP and MySQL.

Experienced Instructors: Learn from seasoned professionals, gaining insights and practical knowledge.

Hands-On Learning: Apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios, giving you a competitive edge.

Personalized Mentorship: Benefit from small class sizes, providing one-on-one guidance for a supportive learning environment.

Industry-Recognized Certification:

Earn a certification valued by industry leaders, boosting your credibility in the job market.

Secure your seat today at Steps Technology and commence a transformative learning journey to become proficient in PHP, MySQL, and Laravel with our top-notch Phpsql Course in Nagpur.

Course Curriculum:

  • How to install XAMPP
  • Introduction of HTML
  • Structure of HTML
  • Formating tags
  • Anchor tag
  • Image tag
  • Hyperlink tag
  • Table tag
  • Division tag
  • etc.
  • Introduction of CSS
  • How to use CSS in HTML and PHP file
  • How to use Inline CSS, Internal CSS and External CSS
  • Introduction of Bootstrap
  • How to use Bootstrap class in HTML and PHP file
  • Introduction of JavaScript
  • How to use JavaScript
  • How to apply JS in HTML and PHP file
  • How to apply client side validation
  • How to use In Built function
  • How to use Inline JS, Internal JS and External JS
  • Introduction of Jquery
  • How to use selector
  • How to use Jquery in built methods
  • How to use Ajax
  • Introduction of MySQL
  • How to create database
  • How to create table
  • All types of select query
  • How to use where clouse
  • How to apply 'AND' and 'OR' operator
  • How to use like operator
  • How to apply distinct
  • How to use order by and group by clouse
  • How to use 'in' and 'notin' operator
  • How to use between operator
  • How to use nested query
  • How to use joins
  • How to use control flow function case()
  • MySQL In-Built function
  • MySQL datatypes
  • How to insert data in the table
  • How to remove data from the table
  • How to remove table in the database
  • How to update records in the table
  • Introduction of PHP
  • How to use PHP Datatypes
  • How to use control structure
  • How to use operator
  • How to use PHP String function
  • How to use array and arrays function
  • How to use date function
  • How to use file function
  • How to use file including function
  • How to use database connectivity function
  • Registration Module
  • Login Module
  • File upload to server Module
  • Introduction to OOPs
  • How to create class
  • How to create object
  • How to create member function and member variables
  • How to create and use public
  • Private and protected methods
  • How to use passing by parameter in the function
  • How to use pass by values in a function
  • How to use Constructor
  • How to use Destructor
  • How to use Inheritance
  • How to use Multi Inheritance
  • How to use abstract class
  • How to use interface
  • How to use static function
  • Introduction to Laravel
  • Installation of Laravel
  • How to use Application Structure
  • Laravel Configuration
  • Laravel Routing
  • How to use Middleware
  • How to use Namespaces
  • How to use Controllers
  • Laravel Request
  • Laravel Cookies
  • How to use Response
  • How to use view