Flutter Course in Nagpur

Duration: 45 Days

Premier Flutter Training in Nagpur

Ready to elevate your mobile app development skills to new heights? Step into the cutting-edge Flutter training at Steps Technology, your ultimate destination for unparalleled expertise in Nagpur.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source UI software development toolkit created by Google. It enables developers to craft natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Known for its fast performance and expressive design, Flutter uses the Dart programming language to build visually appealing and responsive user interfaces. Its "hot reload" feature accelerates the development process by instantly reflecting changes in the app. Flutter's popularity has grown due to its efficiency in creating cross-platform applications with a consistent look and feel across different devices.

Flutter Java Course in Nagpur

Get the best in Flutter development training with Steps Technology, offering the top-rated Flutter Course in Nagpur. Tailored for all skill levels, our courses provide a comprehensive understanding of Flutter's application in mobile app development, aligning your skills with industry demands. Specialize with our Flutter Institute Certification, designed for beginners and Java developers, gaining valuable insights into Flutter's seamless integration with Java. Opt for convenience with our Flutter Online Course in Nagpur, featuring interactive sessions, hands-on labs, and expert guidance, ensuring you acquire in-demand skills at your own pace from the comfort of your home.

Why Choose Steps Technology for Flutter Training?

Industry-Leading Instructors: Gain valuable insights from seasoned professionals in Flutter development, blending real-world expertise seamlessly into your learning experience.

Diverse Curriculum: Our Flutter training encompasses an array of subjects, from essential Flutter fundamentals to advanced topics like widget development and state management. This ensures you are comprehensively prepared for success in the dynamic field of Flutter app development.

Learn Practically: Dive into hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios that allow you to apply your knowledge effectively, preparing you to navigate and conquer the challenges of Flutter development with confidence.

Flutter Course Curriculum

Dive into our Flutter course, where you'll master Dart basics, widgets, and state management. Explore advanced topics like null safety, OOP, and Firebase integration. From UI components to app deployment, error handling, and localization, this curriculum ensures a holistic Flutter development experience.
Secure your seat today with the best Flutter training in Nagpur at Steps Technology. Your pathway to expertise in mobile app development starts here.

Course Curriculum:

  • Introduction to Dart
  • Widgets
  • State Management
  • Dart Control Statements and Collections
  • Null safety in Dart
  • Dart Enumerations, Classes and Objects
  • Advanced Dart
  • Project Setup
  • iOS App Setup
  • Android App Setup
  • Firebase Backend Setup
  • Basic UI Components
  • Navigation
  • Login View
  • Link Between Views
  • Routers
  • OOPs
  • Error Handling
  • Auth Service
  • CRUD Local Storage
  • Cloud Firestore
  • Migrating to our Firestore Service
  • Loading Screens
  • App Icons and App Name
  • Sending our iOS app to App Store Connect
  • Releasing our iOS App
  • Firebase Security Rules
  • Localization in Flutter