Linux Certification Training in Nagpur

Duration: 2 Months

Advance Your Career with Linux Course in Nagpur

Looking to enhance your proficiency in Linux? Welcome to Steps Technology, the premier destination for top-notch Linux certification training in Nagpur.

About Linux

Linux is an open-source operating system kernel that serves as the foundation for various Linux distributions. It supports multitasking and multi-user functionality, providing a stable and secure environment for computing. Linux distributions, like Ubuntu and Fedora, build upon the Linux kernel, offering user-friendly interfaces and software packages. Linux is highly customizable and widely used in servers, embedded systems, and desktops due to its flexibility, security, and community-driven development model.

Get the Best Linux Classes in Nagpur

Our Linux courses are meticulously crafted to provide a comprehensive understanding of Linux operating systems. Whether you are a beginner or seeking advanced knowledge, our curriculum caters to all skill levels. Join the best Linux course institute in Nagpur to acquire the skills demanded by the industry.

Why Choose Steps Technology for Linux Certification Training?

Expert Instructors: Learn from industry experts with extensive experience in Linux systems. Our instructors bring real-world insights to the classroom, ensuring practical and relevant knowledge transfer.

Comprehensive Curriculum: Our Linux certification training covers a wide range of topics, including Linux fundamentals, system administration, security, and more. Acquire the skills needed to excel in Linux environments.

Hands-On Experience: Get hands-on experience through practical exercises and real-world scenarios. Our training methodology emphasizes practical application, preparing you for real-world challenges.

Course Curriculum:

  • Basic of Hardware and Networking
  • Basic of Linux
  • Basic Commands
  • Basic to Advanced level of Linux
  • User and Group Management
  • Permission on files and folders
  • Firewall Security, SELinux, IPTables
  • Disk Management with ISCSI
  • Network Configuration Server Monitoring
  • Server Configuration (NFS, Samba, FTP. WebServer, Database)
  • Server Troubleshooting
  • Global Exam Preparation
  • Global Exam Guidance
  • Doubt Session
  • Boot Camp
  • Virtual Host Configuration
  • Secure Website
  • With SSL Certification

Enroll Today - Take the next step in your career with our comprehensive Linux course at Steps Technology.